Event Fee Schedule

Day time Events 11:00am-3:00pm (4 hrs)
Rental / Room Food & Bar Min /
Monday-Thursday $200 $1000
Friday $250 $2000
Saturday $500 $3000
Sunday $250 $2500
Mon-Thurs (business event) $250 N/A
Night time Events 5:00pm-10:00pm (or) 6:00pm-11:00pm (5 hrs)
Rental / Room Food & Bar Min /
Monday-Thursday $500 $2000
Friday $750 $4500
Saturday $1000 $6500
Sunday (variable times) $750 $5000


* Extended or altered event hours are an additional $1000 per hour, per room;
Only with advanced prior approval of Banquet Manager.
* Cash Bar sales are $150 per room Bartender fee
* Sales minimums not met at close of event will be charged the difference

Service Charges
Buffets and Plated: 22% based on Food, Bar, Room Rental, Hosted Parking and Other Charges, and are used to pay our staff at higher hourly wages

Reservation Payment
$2000 Non-refundable payment is required to reserve each Banquet Room and will be applied to your final bill on the day of your event.


Harborside Banquets